Mohammed Kouta
Mohammed Kouta (Full Name: Mohammed Khalil Salah Eldin Kouta, Nicknames: Skouta, Mohammerhead Shark) is in 07N. He is very violent and loud, and likes to solve all of his problems by giving people dead arms. He is an excellent guitarist, though known for going over the top during practise sessions, and also helped invent the Stealing Bag Game with Hoyle and others. Mohammed also has a habit of stealing girls scarves and wearing them as balaclavas.
Invented the famous banshee scream. Makes odd noises every registration, and has not yet recieved a penalty point for it.
Managed to get Lewis Wood to leave the band Noise Pollution.
"Wheres my bag!"
"WHAT THE HELL *Insert Sam, Milton or Hoyle here*!!!!!!!"
"Rowan Atkinson? EPIC!!!"
Any Michael Jackson noise "owww"