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There is one very scary thing about Zak and that is that he has actually had lots of girlfriends! How wierd is that!
There is one very scary thing about Zak and that is that he has actually had lots of girlfriends! How weird is that!
[[Category:Year 9]]
[[Category:Year 9]]

Revision as of 15:23, 17 May 2007

Zak Richardson is a small, bald, Year 9 student, who is also know to be a student librarian, and a regular annoyance to the Skippers. There have been numerous attempts on his head, but so far, usually have been foiled, and usually by teachers such as Mrs Gregson. He also sports a jeweled ear-ring, which he claims to have a laser in. Said laser has a "radius" of ten metres. Tom Rhodes and Adam Petterson taught him their names the wrong way around at the start of the school year, and then confused him (without much effort)by repeatedly swapping names and he still hasn't figured out which is really which.

In year 7 he sported a rather dorky looking fringe,(see below picture) but now prefers to shave it all off, increasing his resemblance to an escaped convict.

Went out with Dawn three times. The most recent relationship ended when he dumped her. He wouldn't give a reason but many are suspicious that he likes Laura-Beth. He was proven (On the 4 may 2007 Period 5) when he admitted, trustingly, to Stevie that he DOES INFACT FANCY Laura-Beth. Stevie then had no choice but to tell the people around him and make sure that the whole class knew in seconds!!!

Some people consider him to look like a rock. We all feel sorry for that rock!!

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  • Don't kill me! I'm the last Troll! (note, "Troll" was said in a very southern accent, ie "throw" (minus the "h") folloed by "ull")
  • Whatever floats your boat!! (he says this as much as possible. Most of the time it doesn't even make sense.)
  • Your mum!! (see above note)
  • whatever shoots your hoop (said to anna on thursday 10th may when talking about saad)

There is one very scary thing about Zak and that is that he has actually had lots of girlfriends! How weird is that!