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== Factfile ==
Name: Rebecca Louise Dawson
Nicknames: Rebecki, Becky, Becca & Berecca
Form: [[06N]] (now 11N)
Form Tutor: [[Mr Chambers]]
Birthday: 22nd August
== 11 Facts About Rebecca ==
1. Her best friends are [[Eve White]] (her PE and Ear buddy) and [[Rebecca Allcock]].
2. Is no longer going out with [[Callan Lofthouse]] in 9R.
3. Has a friend called [[Eve White]] who is going out with [[Joe Holdsworth-Miller]] in 9R.
4. Went through a phase of saying everyone (who she didn't know there name) was called Dave
5. Went through a phase of saying everyoun (who she didn't know there name) was called Keith. They had a pop quiz in geography and someone actually was called Keith, but no-one listened to her. =(
6. Was fighting with [[Joe Holdsworth-Miller]] for half of lunch time over HER 5p!!
7. Played a slut/chav/bimbo in RS and seemed to really enjoy it  =P
8. Goes to scouts and no.. it isn't just for boys!
9. A co- creator of [[The protein shakes]]
10. Doesn't give [[Micah Young]] or anybody else lap dances and never has.
11. Is not blind, deaf and DOESN'T have a bald patch.
== The Hill ==
The hill is a very funny place where Rebecca genraly gets her shoes stolen and then passed round. Then someone like Greg will appear and shove her down the hill so they roll in a very dodgey-looking way. And when she gets bored of the hill (or gets kicked off) she goes and finds Gary and watches some fly porn.
== Protein Shakes ==
'Protein Shakes' were invented by Rebecca Dawson, Rebecca Allcock, Eve White and Micah Young during the year seven trip to Paris. Go on [[The protein shakes]] page to find out more.  =)
== The Gang ==
*Eve - Tall, Funny and does Mission Impossible to get out of the cinema (Eve says: i only did that once, and the people who we threw popcorn at were rather a lot bigger than us)
*Becca - Nice and Likes singing and humming A LOT!!! Can be very annoying but she is still one of my my best freinds.
*Micah - Small, Funny and can make virtually everyone laugh. His evil cackle is the funniest thing I have ever heard!!
*Simon - Also small and funny. He had to take a picture of Gingy on the Germany trip to check he had all his clothes on and he likes hiding under tables or in corners.
*Matthew - Funny and has good music taste. He likes making jokes at other peoples expence.
Becca seems to like having friends who are a good laugh!!  XD
== Quotes ==
*"Am i wearing my glasses?"
*"Is that callan? or is it a girl? it could be callan, or it might be a girl... I can't tell"
*Becca D: 'God's easy?'
Eve: 'No Becca and I'm pretty sure that's blasphemy.'
*Becca A: "Who's that outside the door?"
Becca D: "Pfft, probably just a couple of gays"
(Becca A goes and checks)
Becca A: "Nope, its Callan and Joseph"
*"No Micah, I'm only using ''legal'' contraception"
*Whilst playing nervous, Rebecca repeatedly says "Me and Micah" but everyone ignores her
*"Where did everybody go?" (turns around) "There they are!"
*(In german)"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, three" 
*(In Spanish) "One, two.. (In French) three, four, five.. (In German) four, five, six, seven eight.. (In English) nine..(In German) two, three
*"Do you think you have to put money in this vending machine?"
*I'm not blind, I'm not deaf, and I don't have a bloody bald patch!!
*"It wasn't my fault; it was pinochio's!"
*"Dear Mrs editor man"
*"EEVVEE!!! Give me my bloody *insert object here* back!!"
*"Ich bin Phantasialand"
*Owain: "I'm in Hell"
Eve: "I'm in Heaven"
Becca: "I'm on EARTH!!"
*Eve: "Wow..you're a chav AND LIVE IN BACUP!!"
Becca: "And whats wrong with living in Bacup??"
Eve: "Seeee..she is a chav!!"
*Eve: "I once dropped my troll in Manchester"
Becca: "Who's Charlie?"
Mum: "Ok then... whatever turns you on."
*Eve: "What day is it today?"
Becca D: "Monday"
Micah: "Really?"
Becca A: "No, it's Friday"
Becca D: "I'm sure it's Monday, are you sure it's Friday?"
Becca A: "YES!!"
Eve: "Well we did the concert yesterday."
Becca D: "Oh Yeah.  Well you could've done it on a Sunday."
Becca A: "Well we were at school on the same day we did the concert."
Eve: "Silly Becca"
Becca D: "Hmm, I could've sworn it was Monday"

Revision as of 05:39, 24 November 2010