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(Laura Binding is currently a lower sixth student studying Law, Psychology, English Language and French.)
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Laura Binding, better known to her friends as the tormentor of lost souls is a famed half-English, half-French odd-ball with a fantastic (yet warped) sense of humor and a creative streak that will either amaze or dismay you. 
#REDIRECT [[Laura Binding]]
== '''Fashion sense''' ==
Laura’s hobbies include beguiling people with her famous technicolour dream shirt which can make unsuspecting victims launch into rousing renditions of “Any dream will do.” You’re also likely to spot her wrapped up in a dazzling rainbow colored scarf which she knitted with her own two hands and enjoys using as rope to tie up… well just about anyone that will let her…   
Another important factor in Laura’s wardrobe are her coats, and more specifically their shiny pink and silver linings, which mean (whether they were originally made for it or not) she can turn them inside out and pretend to be an astronaut at will.
A colourful character indeed.
== '''Creative Streak''' ==
Despite dropping art early in yr 12 in favor of more free periods, Laura has continued to wow critics and peers with her artistic skills. Recently, she introduced the Marshmallow Kitty to the world: a series of cartoon strips so adorable, the cruelest hearted demon could read them and go “aww… so cute I’m gonna explode!” People who have been immortalized in marshmallow kitty form include Laura’s close circle of friends, random people in her lessons who begged her and even Mr. Budd of Law in room 91 fame. Fans of Marshmallow kitty were overjoyed when Marshmallow kitty found a disguarded box of kittens in a recent episode, and welcomed the era of the new Marshmallow Kitty family: Waddle kitty, Frolic Kitty and Soul Eating Kitty. Interestingly, the storylines of recent Marshmallow Kitty comic strips have taken a turn down the dark, serious road, with subjects including single parent families, adoption and soul eating kittens.
Laura’s other creative projects (other than doodling in her lessons when she probably should be taking notes…) include knitting cool scarves, carving wax effigies of David Bowie to give as Christmas presents, co-writing “The adventures of Mouldiwarp, Voldemort’s less successful but none-the-less very enthusiastic twin brother,” and unintentionally collecting referrals so she can admire their pretty pink colour.
== '''Love life''' ==
Currently under Laura’s thrall is the infamous Gareth Ashworth. Experts speculate that Laura’s main reason for the relationship is so she always has a beard close at hand to stroke at moments when evil genius mode kicks in, but generally we just tell the experts to shut their cakeholes because we love Laura and Gareth so much.
== '''Quotes''' ==
“Guess what I’ve been doing in Psychology… and you can bet it’s not work!”
Mr. Budd: Maybe the law works that way in a world full of rainbows and flowers…
Laura: And UNICORNS!

Latest revision as of 20:44, 20 December 2007

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