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Certaxe Pool

A variation on normal UK pool rules, created by Tom Mitchell in 2002. In the two years at 6th form only 5 games of this were played. It is also believed to have resulted in the reinforced window on Mrs. Boswell's office having a chunk taken out of it.

Full Rules

1. No shots may be taken with feet touching the floor, standing on things is O.K. so is jumping while you take the shot.
2. The break shape is a line from the left corner pocket to the right middle pocket. The black ball, a yellow and a red are kept out of this break shape and placed within the triangle on the black spot behind the line. This is known as the void.
3. Voided balls can only be pocketed by knocking them off the table.
4. If the white ball enters the void the game ends. The person who put it in there loses.
5. When there are only 2 balls left outside the void, the void is removed from play.
6. Three pockets start blocked. When a ball is legally potted a pocket is unblocked.
7. If the white ball leaves the table (which it most likely will) it must be thrown back onto the table while someone is pulling at the throwers legs. If they miss the table this is a foul.
8. Players can skip a turn once a game. To do this they simply say Llander. The other player takes another turn, if a ball is potted you remove one of your own balls from play.
9. Players with beards always break.
10. At any point in the game, as long as all players agree, the method of hitting the balls can be changed to any other sport which has balls and holes. eg Golf.
10. For doubles games the black ball and white ball have to leave the table for a team to win.