English Language

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English Language is the study of english as a language and its use in various contexts. The subject is taught by Mr Haycocks and Mrs Ashworth and comprises, as usual, of six modules:

- Introduction to English Language

- Mystery Module (AS), can be Language and Technology, Language and Power, Language and Gender or Language and Occupation

- Creative Writing Coursework (AS)

- Analytical Coursework (A2)

- Editorial Writing (A2)

- Language Change and Acquisition (A2)

This subject is generally taken by those who liked English at GCSE but dislike reading (and therefore don't take English Literature). This is often a mistake as Language is a very skill intensive subject that often even the better students struggle with. The AS modules are generally not too bad, however, the Editorial Writing exam is one of the most feared throughout the school as students are simply handed two 40-60 page packs containing random sources and asked to prepare them for alteration into an unknown genre less than five days later WITHOUT the aid of a teacher.