BRGS Wiki:General disclaimer

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Revision as of 20:12, 3 November 2010 by Chris (Talk)

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  • All views expressed on these pages are those of the people who posted them. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the general school population, and similarly are not necessarily indicative of the views of the website administration or moderators.
  • All of our Moderators are volunteers, who contribute to this site in their spare time for no reward. They have a self-imposed remit, and therefore are under no obligation to make any changes to the site at all.
  • Moderators make every effort to remove inaccurate, offensive or derogatory statements from the site, but due to the uncheckable nature of many comments and "facts", this is often impossible. On many occasions quotes are used on a very loose basis, often out of context for maximum effect. Moderators are instructed to err on the side of caution when a questionable edit is found.
  • Images are the responsibility of the person who posted them. If you object to the use of a photo on the site where you are the subject, you have the capacity to remove it from the internet using the "Edit" control at the top of most pages. In these circumstances, please leave a note in the "Summary" section at the bottom of the page explaining your reasoning.
  • The website administrators do not encourage students to use the site during school hours, and officially discourage its use during lessons. The school provides a first class education, and it is not the intention of the BRGS Wiki to reduce, by proxy, the value added score of BRGS.
  • The site was envisaged to give BRGS students a very free voice and as a place where they could record their memories of other students, the school, the teachers, and any other BRGS related events/enterprises. This does not stop staff from making their own changes to the site, and joining in the party!
  • Almost every article can be edited by anybody. Thus, no part of the site can be taken to be 100% accurate at any time.
  • We are not responsible for the content of external pages linked to on this site.