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                "title": "Rebecca Allcock",
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                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "== Factfile ==\n\nName: Rebecca Eve Allcock\n\nForm: [[06N]] (now 10N)\n\nForm Tutor: [[Mr Parkinson]] (Year 7) [[Mr Chambers]] (year 8-year 9) [[Miss Haslam]] (year 10 ) \n\nAge: 14\n\nDOB: 26/05/95\n\nFriends: [[Eve White]], [[Rebecca Dawson]], [[Micah Young]], [[Ellis Wootton]], [[Jessica Smithies]], [[Matthew Aggett]], (feel free to add yourself if you fit the category).\nShe is a really nice buddy and a great friend.\n\nLoves: Everyone. She is married to a number of people inside and outside of school (male and female) and is currently Jess's penguin. Food of any kind. Losing weight (but this means she cant eat any type of food she wants).\n\nHates: Nothing and no one, (except gaining weight).\n== Nicknames ==\n\n*Suzi\n\n*Becca\n\n*Bexi A\n\n*Becky\n\n*Pat\n== Music ==\n\nHas been in the two first school musicals: Little shop of horrors and Les Miserables. Because of her singing and playing piano ,cornet and guitar she lives in the music department. Her form very rarely see her; poor 9n. Also, Mrs Matthews and Mr Mercer like her a lot because she is so musical.\n\n== Hobbies ==\n\n*Dancing\n\n*Singing\n\n*Drama\n\n*Trampolining\n\n*Playing piano\n\n*Playing cornet\n\n*Poking people \n\n*Calling people darling/love/chicken/cute\n\n*saying people have nice eyes\n\nShe has so many hobbies that she has practically no free time at all. Although she has been known to stop dancing/singing/playing instruments etc on saturdays. Thats so she can go trampolining\n\n== Angelsey ==\n\nIn the weeks leading up to the year 8 angelsey trip, becca told her friends that when she was on the 60 foot- high mid- air assault course then they would hav to make her carry on. Then she got right to the end and jumped off while her friends were chickening out at the beginning.  Don't tell everyone that eve!\n\n== Quotes ==\n\n*\"Can I ask a question... why does my alphbet only have 25 letter?\"\n\n*\"Yay i'm the only one who hasn't got the germs\" (cough) \"Oh s**t\""
            "1217": {
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                "title": "Rebecca Dawson",
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                        "*": "== Factfile ==\nName: Rebecca Louise Dawson\n\nNicknames: Rebecki, Becky, Becca & Berecca\n\nForm: [[06N]] (now 11N)\n\nForm Tutor: [[Mr Chambers]]\n\nBirthday: 22nd August \n\n== 11 Facts About Rebecca ==\n\n1. Her best friends are [[Eve White]] (her PE and Ear buddy) and [[Rebecca Allcock]].\n \n2. Is no longer going out with [[Callan Lofthouse]] in 9R.\n\n3. Has a friend called [[Eve White]] who is going out with [[Joe Holdsworth-Miller]] in 9R.\n\n4. Went through a phase of saying everyone (who she didn't know there name) was called Dave\n\n5. Went through a phase of saying everyoun (who she didn't know there name) was called Keith. They had a pop quiz in geography and someone actually was called Keith, but no-one listened to her. =(\n\n6. Was fighting with [[Joe Holdsworth-Miller]] for half of lunch time over HER 5p!!\n\n7. Played a slut/chav/bimbo in RS and seemed to really enjoy it   =P\n\n8. Goes to scouts and no.. it isn't just for boys!\n\n9. A co- creator of [[The protein shakes]]\n\n10. Doesn't give [[Micah Young]] or anybody else lap dances and never has.\n\n11. Is not blind, deaf and DOESN'T have a bald patch.\n \n== The Hill == \nThe hill is a very funny place where Rebecca genraly gets her shoes stolen and then passed round. Then someone like Greg will appear and shove her down the hill so they roll in a very dodgey-looking way. And when she gets bored of the hill (or gets kicked off) she goes and finds Gary and watches some fly porn.\n\n== Protein Shakes ==\n'Protein Shakes' were invented by Rebecca Dawson, Rebecca Allcock, Eve White and Micah Young during the year seven trip to Paris. Go on [[The protein shakes]] page to find out more.  =)\n\n== The Gang ==\n*Eve - Tall, Funny and does Mission Impossible to get out of the cinema (Eve says: i only did that once, and the people who we threw popcorn at were rather a lot bigger than us)\n\n*Becca - Nice and Likes singing and humming A LOT!!! Can be very annoying but she is still one of my my best freinds.\n\n*Micah - Small, Funny and can make virtually everyone laugh. His evil cackle is the funniest thing I have ever heard!!\n\n*Simon - Also small and funny. He had to take a picture of Gingy on the Germany trip to check he had all his clothes on and he likes hiding under tables or in corners.\n\n*Matthew - Funny and has good music taste. He likes making jokes at other peoples expence.\n\n\nBecca seems to like having friends who are a good laugh!!  XD\n\n== Quotes ==\n*\"Am i wearing my glasses?\"\n\n*\"EEWW!!! I'VE GOT A CONDOM IN MY HAIR!!!!!\"\n\n*\"Is that callan? or is it a girl? it could be callan, or it might be a girl... I can't tell\"\n\n*Becca D: 'God's easy?'\n\nEve: 'No Becca and I'm pretty sure that's blasphemy.'\n\n*Becca A: \"Who's that outside the door?\"\n\nBecca D: \"Pfft, probably just a couple of gays\"\n\n(Becca A goes and checks)\n\nBecca A: \"Nope, its Callan and Joseph\"\n\n*\"No Micah, I'm only using ''legal'' contraception\"\n\n*Whilst playing nervous, Rebecca repeatedly says \"Me and Micah\" but everyone ignores her\n\n*\"Where did everybody go?\" (turns around) \"There they are!\"\n\n*(In german)\"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, two, three\"  \n\n*(In Spanish) \"One, two.. (In French) three, four, five.. (In German) four, five, six, seven eight.. (In English) nine..(In German) two, three\n\n*\"Do you think you have to put money in this vending machine?\"\n\n*I'm not blind, I'm not deaf, and I don't have a bloody bald patch!!\n\n*\"It wasn't my fault; it was pinochio's!\"\n\n*\"Dear Mrs editor man\"\n\n*\"EEVVEE!!! Give me my bloody *insert object here* back!!\"\n\n*\"Ich bin Phantasialand\"\n\n*\"Sam!!\"\n\n*Owain: \"I'm in Hell\"\n\nEve: \"I'm in Heaven\"\n\nBecca: \"I'm on EARTH!!\"\n\n*Eve: \"'re a chav AND LIVE IN BACUP!!\"\n\nBecca: \"And whats wrong with living in Bacup??\"\n\nEve: \"Seeee..she is a chav!!\"\n\n*Eve: \"I once dropped my troll in Manchester\"\n\nBecca: \"Who's Charlie?\"\n\n*Becca: \"OH MY GOD!!! I LOVE THIS CHEESE GRATER!!!!!!\"\n\nMum: \"Ok then... whatever turns you on.\"\n\n*Eve: \"What day is it today?\"\n\nBecca D: \"Monday\"\n\nMicah: \"Really?\"\n\nBecca A: \"No, it's Friday\"\n\nBecca D: \"I'm sure it's Monday, are you sure it's Friday?\"\n\nBecca A: \"YES!!\"\n\nEve: \"Well we did the concert yesterday.\"\n\nBecca D: \"Oh Yeah.  Well you could've done it on a Sunday.\"\n\nBecca A: \"Well we were at school on the same day we did the concert.\"\n\nEve: \"Silly Becca\"\n\nBecca D: \"Hmm, I could've sworn it was Monday\""